monthly module

PAST module

Module 2: “Dee” Stressing Your Sexy Sassy Self

Are you sick and tired of being sick and tired? Modern society is riddled with what feels like a never-ending storm of stressors. Together we can identify the excuses we tell ourselves and figure out a path for finally moving forward.

This module includes:

  • Welcome video and a minimum of four weekly coaching/counseling concepts with interactive homework assignments:
    • Defining stress and talking about how it manifests in women’s lives. Exercise to bring awareness on time spent throughout your day.
    • The excuses — why do women say they don’t have time to take care of themselves. Dee will pull out the bullshit meter and break down many of the common excuses we hear and tell ourselves. Exercises to making room for you.
    • Continuation of excuses topic with more exercises to deepen and expand our awareness.
    • Creating a bedtime routine to help stop the “monkey mind” when trying to fall and/or stay asleep. Exercise to help you create and/or modify your nightly sleep ritual/routine.
  • Four guided meditations that will help your mind, body, spirit and emotions heal more quickly and reduce stress.
    • 15-minute relaxation meditation.
    • 30-minute relaxation meditation.
    • 45-minute meditation exploring excuses.
    • Guided sleep meditation to relax the mind and help you drift into a peaceful slumber.
  • Printed booklet, “‘Dee’ Stressing Your Sexy Sassy Self.” Dee will be teaching, coaching, educating directly from these booklets. You will receive them about a week before before the module begins. We live in a technological world. Having a booklet in front of you to write down your thoughts and concepts will hold you more accountable. Also, research shows that writing down our thoughts and having the ability to read back over them deepens your healing.
  • Monthly virtual Q&A with Dee (via Zoom) toward the end of the month after all weekly coaching videos and homework assignments have been completed.


Monthly Booklets

Exclusive Meditations

Multimedia Access

Monthly Virtual Q&A


PO Box 124
Prairie du Sac, WI 53578
